What I Stand For:
Sustainable City
Balanced Neighborhoods
Engaged Neighbors
Design for Non Vehicular Mobility as a Priority over Traffic flow
I will advocate for optimizing walking density through our business district for more vibrant downtown
I will continue to monitor the Social District and its viability “post-pandemic”
I will champion “Complete Streets” concepts with dedicated bike paths connecting our nearby destinations like Hines, Maybury, and the future River Walk
I will support narrower lanes, on street parking, green buffers to sidewalks, and other traffic calming measures
I am leading the Planning Commission in requiring development build to required sidewalk to street buffers for pedestrian safety
Updating Infrastructure
I will support and author ordinances that manage stormwater at a system level: roads, sewers, trees, bioswales, and more
I will lobby for long term solutions over patches and interim remedy that will, over time modernize our roads and utility delivery
Future of Vehicle Traffic
I will use my experience to put in place the infrastructure that supports our Electric and possibly Autonomous mobility future
Form Based Design
I will drive toward principles that complement our historic architecture and scale. Modern design can be beautifully executed, but without context of place, becomes jarring and quickly dated.
I will encourage walkable density in our City in support of a vibrant business district by rethinking suburban sprawl solutions and parking requirements that may not be appropriate for an increasingly non-vehicular mobility
Front Porch Communities
I led the Front Porch Incentive ordinance through Planning with the belief that communities are built in the front yard. On our street, we meet, talk, and play on porches.
New Construction Standards
I will revisit structure & hardscape land use standards in new homes including percent coverage & setbacks. FAR does not address these
I will investigate grading requirements with tall basements in new construction
I will ask that we consider design controls, like bioswales, for the on lot water management to protect homes next door
I will propose camera scoping storm sewers before and during construction begins to monitor builder dumping
I will support strong code enforcement, requiring developers to build to site plans with more stringent monitoring
I will seek to accelerate infrastructure updates in neighborhoods that experienced the most impact from the July storms
I will treat stormwater Management as a system: footprints, trees, sewer sizing requirements , grading to protect our historic homes from
Encourage Families
I will be the voice of our families with amenities by dedicating efforts to rejuvenate our parks and community green spaces
I will endorse diverse housing stock including “first step” designs that don’t price young families and others from entering our community
Protect the Tree Canopy
I will require plans to protect healthy, mature, trees from new design & development with callouts in Final Site Plans for the Planning Commission as trees are the primary natural element in preventing flooding and erosion.
I will propose processes that mitigate clear cutting lots (i.e. Beal and Main) and require trees in public easements to remain
Promote Service
We have many passionate experts in our neighborhood. It was clear from leading the Farmers Market Task Force that we should explore more “win win” opportunities with those that could serve on a “task” or “interim” basis: from park cleanups to leading task forces. Make “What I can do for Northville” a mantra
Neighbor to Neighbor Relationships
Also a Balanced Neighborhood initiative. If we support sustainable new construction infill and design incentives [like the Front Porch Incentive], our neighborhoods will cultivate relationships and engagement
Promote Legacy
As we approach our bicentennial, the City will be presented numerous opportunities for restoration and improvement of our gems like Ford Field, the Farmers Market, the expanding River Walk, and more. We should look at opportunities for us and our neighbors to plug in and support making these a reality with gifts, partnerships, strategic support, and the like. All of the above!